tWiLighT ,,at LaSt!
Yarh...! stlah berabad akhir nye trcapai gak keinginan aku nk bli novel
sronok nye...x sabar nk bace...
Emm,,mesti best kot sbab citer dier kt cinema dlu cam gempaQ giler kot!!
suke sgt2...of coz kat
Edward Cullen aka
my Robert Pattinson lah..hihi.... ohh we met on the set of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire few years ago....ERK?!
adei,,prasan pon agak2 la kan..hiahiahia..who cares..dis are apart of my "WORDS OF MY OWN" laa...
so u'll see more of ayat2 x sdar diri or prasan tahap cipan from me.
Oooops! enough of dat,,, Neway,,harge buku nih
RM 35.50 jer..which my sis, Baby yg blikan kat MPH SACC MALL....erm..aku rase bebaloi kot harge tu.. same like previous Harry Potter collection yg ader ka umah tu la (yg aku xpnah khatam tu...) tp versi remaja so dats y murah kot..ok la kan,,mahal2 pon nk bwat ape?! bukan nk kasi hantaran bagai...
Cover buku nih,,juz like the above pict ^^^^^^^.....3 words for dat,,, bloody...overall,,nice! tp cover dier x ckup keras laa...tebal ckit dpd suatkaba jerk...aiyoh! silap2 aku g liminate kt ape jer...
Language pulak,,of cos la English American English,,i assume.. sbab aku paham jgak la x mcm Harry Potter baru page ptame da bwat aku blackout 2 kene telan sbotol panadol.
ahaks...melebeh2 betol ayat daku.... ok,,author dier american kot..i dunno much bout her,, STEPHENIE tgok kat situ printed in USA..msti la buatan sane ye x?
Ape2 aje laa....erm aku nk ckap lbih details on dis novel pown cam x patot sbab aku blom bace pown..i mean x abis lg laa..
so harap2 bez n bebaloi aku korek tabung...
Fin. adios amigos...(^.^)