Tuesday, October 27, 2009

anak2 kecil yg menderita...
kita patot berasa bgga sbab kte idop dlm ngara yg aman damai..tp masih ade yg xsedar dri..xigt allah..kesian bdak2 kecik yg comel ni...menderita sbb mglami bencana alam..ade yg khilgn mak bpk..kte mak bpk yg msh idop msh xsygi n hormati mreka..terutama yg ade bf...xsdr dri nipu je

my fantasy woods...
i always wanted to go hiking..i hope one day i can explore the forest.i love all the living things what i meant is i love the environment so much..i rely adore the life nature..and animal...
lg scary kalo terjumpe puteri bunian..hope not...bcus hutan ni ade misteri story..mcm2 jnis hantu ade..tp aku tak amik it to personally..bcus its don mghlg impian aku ontok explore hutan2...ahh bestnyer..janji x sesat sudeh..nanti todeh sowank2..hak3..

best frIeNd no mOrE..
having a best fren or other words is close fren is the nicest thing ever..but sometimes they never be honest to us..
the thing i relly want to say is..i relly hv a close fren..but she is so mean,,she using me..i meant when i need her..she always give an excuse..but when she need my help i always there 4 her...
my sis said not to be close to her again bcus she not being honest to me..and she never listen to wat im try to say..its relly anoiyed...i utterly like to be friend wit her..but she seem like freakin me out..n you relly not belives wat im just tryin to say..she never ever gives me a bufday gift..or card..i meant im not hoping smtg but she rely not appreciate me..n now im rely leavin her..
n my new close fren just the same..she gossipping about me now she not telling me the truth..n blamed her fren 4 telling me about she gossiping about me..ahhh damn..now i relise i donnit a bestfren..i love to be al0ne without them,cos they relly got on my nerve...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

i sat on the balcony,it was rained,foggy and twilight..i starred at the woods..i love it..this is the most precious time ever--i have a dram,i utterly want to hiking in the forest alone.i think about my mom ryte now..i missed her so much..i wish she could be here when i need her..
since i was 13th i always want to hiking and spending my whole day in the wood..but it really absurd,im woder why im so obses wit my imagination-i love environment so much..
my dad r goin to married soon,i hate it,,but i want him to be happy.i doest even know who the hell is my future step mom??hope she is like an angel and not an evil step mom..hope so..-i need my mom so badly..i missed her..i gotta go..dah nak magrib..tak nak terlepas tengok captain barbell..si richard yang encem..huhu..
its truly me..
you see-im so excited,i mean i really want people to know this..,,
i leave in a boring lifestyle,i mean people might regonise me that im so up to date or wat ever it is..but the truth is im not.this is truly me,i always spending my whole day watching tv,readinng,washing dishes,cleaning,doin laundry..and cooking..-i usually reading bcoz to me reading is so peaceful..i love read a horror stories and fantasy..i dont prefer to read malay-novel...now,im read twilight,i find it very2 interesting and briliant...
i love goin to movies but not often..-bcoz i like to stay at home,,u kno i use to listen to natalie imburgla,michael buble,mika,the cors,carrie underwood,colbie caillait,,lily alan and tailor swift..cus i utterly like to hear slow motion song that can make me relaxes-and one more thing i really2 like norah jones..so much..shes cool..i love country song..old english song..like elmore james..never heard of his cd..obviously..-its really weird ryte??teenage girl like me usually like miley cyrus,akon..but im not..it don mean that im absurd..ryte??i kno so much about hollywood artist but its rely weird that i don admired malay star accept afdlin shauki..he really hilarious and cool..one of the kind..ryte..
sometimes i like to decorate my house,my room and my kitchen..its remarkeble-and im really prudent to my furnisher and sometimes im very ostentatious...hahaha...and i dont spent my self to wild life-like,n i use to stay at home permanantly..i love it..than waste my stupid time goin out for notin..and i rather hiking or enjoy stay at home..be me..its cool

co-star c.barbell

my captain barbell...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

mentos...you break my hear
now im already wrote my own song..about a boy who i fall into..'our love isnt like a fairytales.hey,,my prince charming runaway,her princess cryin on the bench keep asking where he goes?.the way he look at me just not ryte,such a long way back,if i keep thinking about this i could cry..'dipetik dri script lu aku..bes x..mne nk taw ade rezeki aku pnye lgu tbe2 bjaye smpai ke lua ngra..mne nk taw kan..haha...

nItE aT loNDon..
is it??
i don usually fuck love..bcus i still belive in it..bcus who will live without it??am i ryte??om a single lady dat not available ryte now..bcus im so in love wit my cat..anio..meoww..haha...15th is too early ha??study first..i belive that love after marrige..so fantastic ha,,like in the 40s..my grandparent love story...kan2??


ni la skul aku..skul aku xla besh sangat mcm skul owg len...yele skul aku ni kat kmpong je..hulu langat..dlu aku skul kat putrajaya..precint8..no1 bestari skul in malaysia..but dat tyme abah aku kerja lg lah..skrg da bersara dok kmpong jela..mle2 dlu ingat dok kampong macam awful tp lme2 aku lbe prefer dok kmpong,besides udara yang bagoos view pon bes..start pkol9 mlm da sejuk mcm kt frezer hill..paling best study kat garaj mlm2..sejuk sgt..masok la jgak ble study 2...putrajaya quite hot..n xbes..
i usually woke up at 6.15am...lpas sarapan bru g skul..sjak umi passed away aku la yg kne sediakan makanan sndri..xkn nak arapkn abah kowt..wlopon dye da60 taon..syukurla abah msk ntok aku..
kat skul i work as prefect..urrghh dlu aku suke sgt nk jd pngawas tp ble da lme2 cmni aku da xde interest lg..lg2 nk wat kerja..ckop mlas..haha..wlpon member2 pngwas aku 2,3 org je..sbab dwg sme mcm agak gedik bcus majority atlet skolah,bintang skolah n wat ever it is..tp aku?herm x..xpnah nk join kn dri kat mne2 society..o activity..aku xske balik skul lmbat..o nk stay back..kwn2 aku skela stayback..aku ske buat homework kt umah..bce bku ke..ape ke..ak ni x join owg sgt..kwn2 ramai..tp aku xrpat sgt ngn dwang bcus much of them like 2 talk about people n humiliate people unlike me..bcus i came from city not hometown gurl..so i not very use to dis whole thing..
kat kelas pon aku wat hal sndiri x kaco hal org..aku dgn kwn2 aku je..2pon dlm klas aku rpat nan certain2 person je..bcus some of the gurl was very rude n uncourtesy..so,,i hate it..even ble dwang gado kt luar skul ak xjoin..aku trus balik..aku xminat nk amik tau pcl mslh dwg..bcus dlu aku kuat gado..ske msk cmpo hal owg tp lpas 2taon ni aku xbwat bad habbit 2..ngn org2 aku gado pon aku dah mnx maaf n bkwan..mls nk jd msuh ketat org..but 2me spe nk kutok aku,kutokla..dat don kill me o xakn mnjd mclh kpda aku..ryte??i love my school..not so much..smetime i hate it..haha

Saturday, October 17, 2009

SOuNd oF bRoKen hEART
this is about a boy who i fall into..his smile could light up this whole school,,he is my bestfren i mean was my besfren..we always share stOry..talk about family n everything we should be..he is cute..banyak jugak orang minat dye..smpai ade orang jelez tengok kteowang rpat..theres a lot of memory about our frenship..aku slalu bg dye MENTOS almost everyday..n i trusted him,,i told him about my self,what i dream lastnite,n even my emailpassword..but aku tak tau npe,,smenjak 2 mnjak ni dye xrpat nan aku lg..mcm ble aku hangout nan dye..dye mcm kureng ckp nan aku n mcm nk lari..xmcm dlu..guess wat??dye mmg ade gf..,,so start dri 2 aku xrpat lg nan dye n xbli lgsong mentos..n xlepak lg..sbb aku gram..yg dye tau aku suke dye tp dye wat cmni...at least xpyh la lari2..ckp jela xske aku rpat2 nan dye..grammmmmmmm...

prinCe ChARmInG...

ni laki cute a.k.a prince charming...yang aku suke..huahaha..
tWiLighT ,,at LaSt!

Yarh...! stlah berabad akhir nye trcapai gak keinginan aku nk bli novel TWILIGHT nih...
sronok nye...x sabar nk bace...

Emm,,mesti best kot sbab citer dier kt cinema dlu cam gempaQ giler kot!!
suke sgt2...of coz kat Edward Cullen aka my Robert Pattinson lah..hihi.... ohh we met on the set of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire few years ago....ERK?! adei,,prasan pon agak2 la kan..
hiahiahia..who cares..dis are apart of my "WORDS OF MY OWN" laa...
so u'll see more of ayat2 x sdar diri or prasan tahap cipan from me.

Oooops! enough of dat,,, Neway,,harge buku nih RM 35.50 jer..which my sis, Baby yg blikan kat MPH SACC MALL....erm..aku rase bebaloi kot harge tu.. same like previous Harry Potter collection yg ader ka umah tu la (yg aku xpnah khatam tu...) tp versi remaja so dats y murah kot..ok la kan,,mahal2 pon nk bwat ape?! bukan nk kasi hantaran bagai...

Cover buku nih,,juz like the above pict ^^^^^^^.....3 words for dat,,,simple.scary.so bloody...
overall,,nice! tp cover dier x ckup keras laa...tebal ckit dpd suatkaba jerk...aiyoh! silap2 aku g liminate kt kodai...urghhh...cam ape jer...

Language pulak,,of cos la English kan...tp American English,,i assume.. sbab aku paham jgak la x mcm Harry Potter baru page ptame da bwat aku blackout 2 hari...plus kene telan sbotol panadol.
ahaks...melebeh2 betol ayat daku.... ok,,author dier american kot..i dunno much bout her,, STEPHENIE MEYER...bt tgok kat situ printed in USA..msti la buatan sane ye x?

Ape2 aje laa....erm aku nk ckap lbih details on dis novel pown cam x patot sbab aku blom bace pown..i mean x abis lg laa..so harap2 bez n bebaloi aku korek tabung...

Fin. adios amigos...(^.^)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

nu blog atlast!

working on it!

yahoo...its my new blog,,akhirnye...
xam da abis so bley la blogging smpi lusoh jari jemari aku nih...

tp untk intro ni,,ku maleh tlis2 psl sonok nk tmbah memcm kat blog nih...hehe